Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shopping for Wedding

Just now after office, Mama and I went to Jakel at Jalan TAR to buy kain for the family (untuk wedding). Kain is sponsored by Mama and Ayah but kain for Mama and Ayah is by me lah. Tiring but fun and glad that this part is considered settled. Tomorrow, I plan to drop by at SSF to buy the items for door gifts so during the weekend I can proceed with the decorating part.
On the other note, the technical workshop ended today and they left us with few recommendations and comment on the recent work. Looking at it, I foresee that I will still be involved in this project at least until May. So tak boleh lah enjoy-enjoy sangat, need to work harder and concentrate. I have no idea whether my well sitting program should commence or not. But at least, I have the chance to skip office next week for 3 days, to attend workshop on Personal Career Planning. Saja je choose light topic so I can unwind and relax. The workshop will be in Bangi. Seronoknyer. No traffic and peaceful environment. I've also started on my diet program so no more bingeing!
Mama is addicted to muffin by Ratukek. She ordered few for her friends and next order is tomorrow, which is for her colleague's daughter birthday on Saturday. Aida's birthday is tomorrow so I think I should also order few cuppies for Aida since, during my birthday on Feb, she actually baked blueberry muffin for me!! How sweet!! Sedap pulak tu. Aiyor, I wish I have time to bake for her but since her birthday is on weekday, I have no choice but to outsource the task to Ratukek hihi. Happy Birthday in advance Aida! :D

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