Friday, May 1, 2009

Furniture Hunting

My fiance and I took a day off to settle our HIV and Thalassemia (for him) for the wedding. Syukur lah both of us are free from HIV but for Thalassemia, he needs to wait another 1 month for the results. As for me, I am free from Thalassemia too.
It took us about 2 hours to settle all those. We came early for HIV, at around 2PM, but only went out at 4PM. Sigh. Klinik Kesihatan, biasalah, tak boleh nak expect too much. But then, even Twin Tower Medical Center pon macam tu. I wonder if the claim that doctors only read papers and do nothing at work is valid HAHA terburuk sangka pulak. Sorry doctors!
I am kind of excited about the love pad thingy, because this will be our first home where we can decorate it as how we want it to be. How cool is that? Most of the topic on our conversation was on the pad, like how, where, when etc etc. And it was me who dragged my fiance to the furniture shops. He seems so interested too so off we go to the furniture shops nearby. When it comes to purchasing things, I am more lenient but my fiance is so detailed and particular on every aspects. So I leave it all to him for quality checks and bidding for low prices. I am so not good on that area.
We couldn't stay long because my fiance had to leave for his training at 530PM. I told him to continue this some other time and remind him to bring me to IKEA for paintings and benda-benda pelik untuk digrab.
Okay, maybe I am not detailed or particular on certain aspects but I love organizing and planning for it. What I can think of right now is listing for items needed for the house and they are :
1. Sofa set
2. Arm chair (my part)
3. Dining table + chair
4. Bedroom set with spacious wardrobe
5. Shoe rack
6. Washing machine
7. Refrigerator
8. Kitchen set
9. Curtains (Macy)
10. Centerpieces + flower decor (my part)
11. Microwave oven
12. Kettle
13. Lesung batu :P
14. Blender
15. Pet carrier for my 2 cats
and many more!
This is just a preliminary lists. I will keep on updating these lists accordingly.
And the landlord called yesterday, he said the key will be ready this Sunday.


  1. masa aku masuk rumah baru, aku curik lesung batu mak aku.. ahahaha

  2. Banyak dah aku curi from Hajjah, termasuk lah the washing machine chihihi
