Wednesday, May 6, 2009

This is Not PMS. This is Something Else.

The first draft for our wedding card is now ready. That was quite efficient, the designer only took less than one week to come out with the design. Right now I am waiting for mum and fiance to make amendments, then we can proceed with the second draft or hopefully, the final draft.
I am also settled with getting the Imam Jurunikah approval's and booked him for the Solemnization on July 17. Next step is to combine our application and submit it to Pejabat Agama Negeri Sembilan. It is much easier since we came from the same Negeri.
In less than 2 months, I will get married. And recently, I tend to do crazy stuff and all of a sudden, will decide for something I never think of doing. HAHA. Like for example, I signed in for Salsa classes. It was great and fun, doing salsa. I should have done this long time ago. My class is every Wednesday at Aster Spring, KLCC and I usually go with my fellow reservoir friends. The teacher is really good, she has her videos posted all over Youtube I tell you.

We also have plans to do white water rafting with my fellow Young Professionals groupies and paintball, probably. And Hazzy and I have already booked a seat in Kevin Zahri's free fitness class. HAHA.
And all of a sudden, I have this appetite to sign in the membership for Fitness First. Wedding jitters maybe?


  1. sila semak betul2 kad anda
    jgn jadik mcm kitaorg
    tgk main2 je..bila nak print baru perasan silap
    nasib baik reti nak edit sendiri..

    wow!!! i selalu carik dance class nak join, tp tak tau mana
    dan takde kawan nak teman
    nak ajak tunang.. dia teman tgk je buat pe

  2. Zal , how much is the class ? cam best je nk join salsa too

  3. Hello girls, come and join the fun! The class is at Dance Studio, Aster Spring, Level 4, KLCC on every Wednesday, 745-845PM. RM15 per class, but if you are a member to Aster Spring, RM10 je!

  4. wow cam best!
    heheeheh.. boleh boleh :)
