Thursday, July 31, 2008

Arin's Engagement Day

There is a request to upload photos from Arin's Engagement Day. So here it is~

The lovely hand bouquet
I just call to say I love you. (She is actually calling Nem :p)
The hantaran
With his family
Happy tree friends
Bakal pengantin baru :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Short Visit to SPCA

After attended Nuzley's wedding at Kelab Darul Ehsan, bf and I dropped by SPCA, saja-saja, nak main dengan kitty-kitty kat sana. This is also bf first time to SPCA. Who knows, maybe in future we will come again to adopt a kitty. Sekarang ni tak lah kot cause apparently ada seekor kucing tak bertuan ni selalu datang lepak at his place. Die ni pon layan aje lah, bagi makan, ajak tdo sama sama, lepak-lepak tengok tv and kucing tu pon pandai urut orang. Very manja pulak tu. Tapi sampai harini tatau kucing tu kucing siapa. The cat pon behaves very well, tak poo poo dalam rumah. We don't even know where she goes for her business. Bf call her Meena, short form for minyak naik cause masa Meena datang, masa tu minyak baru naik. Tak senonoh betul namakan kucing. Macam tade nama lain aje. Itu pon I altered the spelling to Meena, baru sopan dan feminin sikit :p
Seronok lah pergi SPCA ni. For us, macam masuk shopping mall jugak lah kot. Some people hates cats but I am thankful that my family, some of my friends, my bf, suka kucing. Kesian tengok kucing-kucing kat sana, waiting to be adopted. Tapi kira okay lah sebab diorang ada makanan untuk dimakan. Kalau yang stray cat tu lagi kesian, makan dapat ke tah, tak de siapa yang tau. Kalau ada orang kesian, dapat lah makan. Kalau tak, berlapar aje lah. Badan pon jadi kurus aje, tinggal tulang, pastu tak sihat sangat sebab tak dapat vaccination. Haih sedih lah. I wish I can save all the cats in this world from harm, from hunger and help them to lead a happy life. I memang kesiankan binatang, sebab binatang ni, kalau die lapar ke, die sakit ke, die tak boleh nak cakap. Kalau manusia, at least, they can cry for help, but not animals.
Oleh sebab itu lah, I tell myself, the least I can do pon kan, is to pray for these animals. Kalau ada yang kelaparan kite bagi lah makan, kalau ada yang sakit, kite bawak lah pergi vet. Maybe some of you don't know tapi selama 19 tahun I hidup membela kucing ni, macam-macam jenis dah I tempuhi, contohnyer kucing lumpuh lah, kucing kena gigit beruk lah, kucing kena potong tangan lah, ada one of my cat ni balik rumah tetiba tengok telinga die ada maggot. Aiyor pengsan aku ok. Tapi beranikan diri gak lah bawak kucing tu pergi vet. Masa kucing tu naik kete, maggot die tercicir lah kat dalam my car. Aiyor, dah le aku ni takut cacing.
Ada satu my cat ni lumpuh sebab kena gigit beruk, so die nyer saraf dah rosak and die nyer sistem perkumuhan pon dah sorak. She will just poo anytime she wants and die taleh wat pape pon, bangun ke apa ke. So I lah yang basuh die nyer poo poo ni, sampai kan satu tahap tu, die nyer alat sulit tu bengkak-bengkak sbb dah lama sangat lumpuh. Beberapa bulan jugak lah I menjaga kucing lumpuh tu, nasih baik masatu baru abis belajar so tak keje lagi. Nak pergi jalan pon tak boleh jauh jauh sebab tader sapa nak basuh poo poo die nanti. Die akhirnya meninggal dunia selepas beberapa bulan lumpuh sebab badan die dah memang tak mampu nak melawan semua kesakitan itu kot. And I cried like hell when she died :(.
Macam-macam lagi lah, sorry I tetiba teremosional. Allrite, as a conclusion, I love cats so much. Apa salahnye kita berbuat baik kepada binatang sebab binatang pon makhluk Tuhan. My mum selalu kata, bile kita berbuat baik kepada binatang, mereka ini akan sentiasa mendoakan kita. Seronok kan :)

Paws, everywhere
Tak nak lahhhh...

Mula-mula ok
Acting cool and macho
Lepastu tiba-tiba die terkejut :p
Very manja, yes she is..

Sunday is my off day. Come again tomorrow please.
Seeking for his attention
Kucing kat SPCA ni semuanye manja-manja. I loike!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fetuchini Olio and Oreo Cheesecake

Today is off day, my music exam will only starts at 3PM. In the morning, have bit of time cooking Mama's favourite pasta for her berbuka puasa i.e Fetuchini Olio. For dessert, we have oreo cheesecake, a cake for Ayah's belated birthday, which happens to be bf's favourite too. Happy Birthday Ayah! :)
Okay I need to get ready for my exam. Wish me luck :>




Monday, July 21, 2008

Homemade Cup Cake and Banana Choc Chips Muffin

Hurrah to Sasa and Itak! They've been working hard in the kitchen during the weekend, producing these. Other than that, they've also baked chilled cheese cake and cooked prawn pasta. Four recipes in a day can you believe it? I know how Itak love baking and how Sasa adores Nigella Lawson so bet I am going to see more of these in future :)

Nothing much can be done on the icing damage :p

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fetuchini Carbonara

Menu minggu ini - Fetuchini Carbonara :)



Saturday, July 12, 2008

Drool! McDreamy versus McSteamy

One person voted for McDreamy. Two voted for both and that one vote was from me =p. Let me help you to decide. Here are photos of the two yummy boys.

Mcdreamy or

Oh. This time I will go for McDreamy..

Vincci Wedges For Sale

This is what happen when you are driven by your "wants" rather than your "needs". They ended up collecting dust. I need to get rid of them, fast..
*Special discount to my YSL and febeles friends hihi


Condition : Brand new, never been worn
Size : 7
Retail Price : RM55
Selling Price : RM45 (negotiatible)
Status : SOLD



Condition : Brand new. Never been worn
Size : 6
Retail Price : RM69
Selling Price : RM59 (negotiatible)
Status : SOLD

Monday, July 7, 2008

Homemade Marble Cake

Welcome to The Cure for Saturday night boredom, my way.

