Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hai Hai

Brownie Kering Amanda

Lamanye x blogging. Well, I only blog when I have the mood and luxury to write. Right now I feel like writing but I am already sleepy. Aiyo baru pukul 10 dah mengantuk. Entahlah. I am not the owl type. I am the early bird type. Esok pepagi buta dah bangun and start the day. That is why I am already sleepy as the clock hits 10pm.

Hmm, selalunye sebelum tido, biasalah mesti ada fikir-fikir or berangan or what not kan. All I can think of right now is : bile agaknye dapat makan Amanda brownie lagi ye. Hmm. Nak buat tak tau resipi. So berangan je lah. Ok people. At least one post is done. Toodles!

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E`n1x said...

Amanda as in the femes brand in Indonesia ke?

Zal said...

aha hehe, this one famous in Bandung :D