Monday, August 3, 2009

We Are Married!

Photo curi from Azizi's Blog
Hello people I am back!
And I am now married, syukur Alhamdullillah :)
Both of us would like to convey our personal thanks to everyone;
Our families - Our mums and dads, uncles, aunties, cousins, etc
Our friends - my Febeles, my YSL
Our colleagues - my Geng Abuk2
And special thanks to orang-orang kuat behind the scene;
Cindy of Seremban Country Club
Our pengapit - Shahida and Hazim
Our bridesmaid - the YSL ladies and Fira yang dapat tangkap bridal bouquet, she is definately going to be the next one.
Our photographers - Candid Syndrome team - Mukriz, Faizal and Hafidz for Solemnization, Udey and Azizi for Reception at Seremban Country Club and Izwan Azman for Reception at Tunku Kurshiah
Our videographers - Zulfazli and Rosli of CST Production for Solemnization and Reception
Our make-up artist - bubbly Eleena Lamat
Extra credits to our photographers and videographers for the good work, snapping photos and vidoes. Sampai dah tak larat nak pose dah. Kitaorang memang kagum tengok diorang nyer passion in taking photos/videos. On the Reception day, the outdoor session went about more than 3 hours. From the Reception Hall, to the Golf Club pools for wedding videos with my bridesmaid. Then, off to the padang golf naik buggy (thanks Cindy!). They became very excited when the sun was about to set down. We finished only at around 7PM. It was tiring I tell you, but then, memang fun lah. Good job to Udey, Azizi, Zulfazli and Rosli.
Same goes to photographers for Reception at Tunku Kurshiah. Kami kena buli untuk posing for macam-macam punya pose hehe.
A very special personal thanks from both of us to our BFF i.e Shahida, yang sudi spend her time with us during our wedding, giving us moral support and help needed during the event and forever being there for us, always and forever. We love you Shahida!!
I don't even have personal snaps of my own wedding photos, so rite now waiting for my photographers to post the photos. But feel free to browse some of it, which are uploaded at their website.
Reception at Seremban Country Club - Udey and Azizi
Reception at Tunku Kurshiah - Izwan Azman
Terima kasih to kawan-kawan yang sudi datang to our Wedding. Terima kasih to kawan-kawan yang bagi hadiah too :)
Okay, wait for my next post on Our Honeymoon in Krabi!

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