Saturday, February 7, 2009

Masak Lemak Cili Api (Recipe for Lilly)

My dad is from Negeri but I don't know how to cook the famous Masak Lemak Cili Api. So today, I took the effort to cook Masak Lemak Cili Api without anyone's help (except for the recipe book lor). Mum is out so this is a great chance to cook coz if she's in, nanti die pulak yang menyibuk buat sume. HAHA. Okay she is out so I am all on my own.
The must have in Masak Lemak Cili Api is of course the cili api. Kecik kecik cili api, but the hotness, my God! So, I blend the cili api with bawang merah and serai. That's all. Pour the blended cili api+bawang merah+serai into the santan (coconut milk) and chicken. And left for it to boil. Don't forget to keep on stirring.
Masa tengah kacau tu, I dah start panik sbb my Masak Lemak tak jadi colour hijau/kuning. I called my mum but she didn't pick up the phone, she is too busy listening to the ESQ lectures I guess. Cemas dan panik, lepastu terus teringat kan serbuk kunyit. Maybe sebab lupa letak serbuk kunyit kot, so I main letak aje serbuk kunyit. Dalam resipi tu suruh letak kunyit hidup. Tak jumpe pulak kunyit hidup, so I letak serbuk kunyit aje. And then baru letak the potatoes.
So that is how people cook Masak Lemak. And another additional turun temurun recipe from my granny is to add on asam keping, where as some people tak letak pon the asam keping tu.
I never eat my own cooking so I serve it all to dad as lauk for today's lunch.


  • 1 ekor ayam dipotong 16
  • 10 biji bawang merah
  • 2 batang serai
  • 20 bili cili api
  • 2 helai daun kunyit
  • 2 cawan santan pekat
  • 2 biji ubi kentang (dipotong dadu)
  • Sedikit garam
Cara membuatnya :
1. Tuangkan bahan-bahan yang digiling ke dalam periuk, masukkan santan pekat, kacau perlahan-lahan sampai mendidih
2. Masukkan ayam, ubi kentang dan daun kunyit
3. Kacau sekejap dan masukkan garam
4. Biarkan sehingga pekat dan berminyak barulah angkat



Anonymous said...

wahh... i want recipe!!! been searching for someone to teach it to me but unfortunately my negri friends have no idea how to make it... =P

Zal said...

Dear Lilly, nanti I post the recipi okay :D