Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Southeast Asia on a Shoestring

I realize the tendency of me blogging when I am stressed, especially when there is a presentation around the corner. Usually, on that point of time, makan tak lalu, mandi tak basah, tido termimpi-mimpi lah. Could not understand why I am like that. Orang lain cool aje. Hmm.

But anyway, syukur Alhamdulillah it all went well and we wrapped up before lunch. The actual duration for the presentation is 9am till 5pm so once again I am very happy we did it all in 4 hours. I seriously don't understand presentation ape yg sampai 8 jam. But being me, cepat je I fast forward the slide sblm diorang tanya banyak banyak question haha. I was so relieved when it ended tapi x boleh enjoy sakan lah coz I have one report to submit by next week. Tak payah lah cerita pasal report tu, suffice to say, cerita pasal report tu memang sungguh mentensionkan. Last Monday was the worst Monday ever. Never been that stressed for few years already that I almost exploded. What I learn recently is way to cope and survive in this department which is not to procrastinate. So kalau ada kerja, cepat setelkan. You will never know when the next ice berg will hit u. Be ready.

I am juggling to finish the report by Friday so I can enjoy my\our next great escapade. Ticket has been booked since May. Truth is, I was quite surprised when my husband mention the idea on visiting this place. That time we just got back from Bandung.  Orang dah ajak and I am that type who will never say no to any offer hehe.

Even it is only for 3 days, but exploring to a new place is very very fascinating and exciting. It is like reformatting a PC. Lepas format, baru performance boleh jalan cepat sikit kan? InsyaAllah. Semoga kami selamat pergi dan balik. Amin.

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